Synergie Rejuvaderm Home Roller, is a home system devices which can improves the skin's penetration by 20-40 times compare to massaging to the skin that means, apply one bottle of serum is equal to 20 to 40 bottles.
Synergie Rejuvaderm Home Roller 美肌活膚
家用微針係一枝可以令到我地d 皮膚吸收力 增加 20 - 40 倍, 即係1支精華素一可以變成 20 - 40支既威力.
家用微針係一枝可以令到我地d 皮膚吸收力 增加 20 - 40 倍, 即係1支精華素一可以變成 20 - 40支既威力.
After clinical experiments, this home system devices can improves active inattentive ingredients penetration by 20-40 times compare to massaging to the skin. This also can stimulate the proliferation of collagen dermal layer, helps the absorption of skin care product, it will not cause any skin allergies and even safe for the sensitive skin.
Synergie Rejuvaderm Home Roller, is a 180 biodegradable polymer needles which are compatible, FDA and CE approved, because of the Polymer technique, it is different than the traditional stain steel needles, it's made of fine, shallow polymerized needles that create tiny holes in the skin only 0.25 mm depth throughout the rolling action, also it is the most comfortable home system devices. It stated that even good for sensitive skin, no side effects.
根據Mimingmart 既網站介紹:
臨床實驗證明,微針治療能有效加強肌膚對活性成分的吸收,刺激真皮層的骨膠原增生。Rejuvaderm美肌家用微針不會引致皮膚過敏,可絕對安全及有效地活 化肌膚,增加活力神采,改善膚色,增加肌膚對活化成分的吸收達40倍
After I used around 10 times, I only used 2 to 3 times per week, be honest, I feel quite sensitive" poking" uncomfortable feeling, especially on my forehead. But after certain times, I kind of get used to it. According to the theory , after rolling ,the pores got stimulating and open now, this stage of skin, the absorption is the best and perfect time to apply the serum to achieve the best advantage from the products. I will separate 4 parts, forehead, 2 sides of the cheek, 2 sides of nose and the chin. Basically I m apply the Synergie vitamin A and B serum. After the rolling stimulation, my face is quite red but after awhile it will be gone. You could also use it under the eyes and the neck, but don't forget to apply very light motion. After using it, I will spray the roller with the alcohol and store it for next time used
我買左之後都用左10次, 我係一星期用2,3 次, 初初用我都覺得好鬼 "吉", 特別係額頭,用多幾次先慣, 佢話碌完之後,要喺 5 分鐘之內搽精華素,原因係毛孔已經開啟,最好時間搽精華素,吸收效果最好!我會分開4 部份黎碌,額頭,臉頰兩邊,鼻翼兩邊同下巴,碌完即刻搽精華素。我會用番 Synergie 既 vitamin A,B 既 精華素,基本上我碌完塊面都會幾紅,但係過左一陣就會無野。我都會碌頸同眼底,但係力度記住一定要輕,如果唔係會好痛。我用完後會用消毒火酒噴喺個碌度,等酒精全乾即可使用
我買左之後都用左10次, 我係一星期用2,3 次, 初初用我都覺得好鬼 "吉", 特別係額頭,用多幾次先慣, 佢話碌完之後,要喺 5 分鐘之內搽精華素,原因係毛孔已經開啟,最好時間搽精華素,吸收效果最好!我會分開4 部份黎碌,額頭,臉頰兩邊,鼻翼兩邊同下巴,碌完即刻搽精華素。我會用番 Synergie 既 vitamin A,B 既 精華素,基本上我碌完塊面都會幾紅,但係過左一陣就會無野。我都會碌頸同眼底,但係力度記住一定要輕,如果唔係會好痛。我用完後會用消毒火酒噴喺個碌度,等酒精全乾即可使用
After about one month used, so far I can tell my skin is more glow, silky and the pores looks finer. But may be the stimulating, I have some breakouts, but so far I m quite satisfied the results except I still feel sensitive especially on my forehead. Overall, it is a good idea home devices to increase the skin absorption and with affordable price. It sells at HK $ $656, and it can be used 300 times, very good deal!
用左1個月後, 好明顯地我既皮膚既光澤度係提高左,滑左,毛孔好明顯係細緻左。可能太過刺激,生左幾粒暗瘡。不過,我都幾滿意佢既效果,雖然我每次碌額頭都仲好敏感,希望遲 d 會習慣啦。基本上,我都覺得呢個家用微針幾方便,價錢唔係貴, HK$ 656 可以用300 次,除開每次仲好平,又可以係屋企做,膚質可以改善,一舉三得。
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