Eye shadow primer is used it as a base so that the eye shadow base conceals crease and increase the vibrancy the eye shadow. Actually I used it everyday even though I only apply single cream color eye shadow.I have oily eye lids, to me it can help to control oil discretion too.
It usually come with a nude or transparent color, some girls may have some eye lids discoloration, it could also provide enough coverage and neutralize the colors on the lid.
眼部打底霜,佢係可以令你既眼妝更持久, 眼影顯色度更高。基本上我唔理我有無化眼妝或者只係畫眼線,我都會每日都用佢。通常呢類產品,大部份都係近膚色或者透明乳霜狀,如果有 D 姐妹眼皮有 d 深色,都可以用呢種打底霜修飾,打亮眼皮。
眼部打底霜,佢係可以令你既眼妝更持久, 眼影顯色度更高。基本上我唔理我有無化眼妝或者只係畫眼線,我都會每日都用佢。通常呢類產品,大部份都係近膚色或者透明乳霜狀,如果有 D 姐妹眼皮有 d 深色,都可以用呢種打底霜修飾,打亮眼皮。
In the make up market, there are lot of different brand eye primers, drug store, high end one, the following primer are the one that I used the most
Drug store :
ELF Eyelid primer: very affordable price , only US $1
it is a nude color eye base, wand applicator little bit dry. I usually used it for a regular day make up. Average long lasting but good enough for just daily use
ELF Eyelid primer: 價錢相當平, 只係 US $1
近膚色, 海棉狀塗棒,質地少許乾。如果我只係普通日妝,我都會用佢, 因為佢既抓粉能力一般,如果唔係濃妝既話都應付到。
it is a nude color eye base, wand applicator little bit dry. I usually used it for a regular day make up. Average long lasting but good enough for just daily use
ELF Eyelid primer: 價錢相當平, 只係 US $1
近膚色, 海棉狀塗棒,質地少許乾。如果我只係普通日妝,我都會用佢, 因為佢既抓粉能力一般,如果唔係濃妝既話都應付到。
NYX HD eye shadow base US $ 6
It is a light peach color eye base, wand applicator, very smooth, easy to apply. lasting power not bad.
NYX HD eye shadow base US $6, 淺膚色,海棉狀塗棒,質地很滑,不會乾,抓粉力也很好,不錯。
MILANI Eyeshadow primer US $ 6.50
So far, is my best drugstore eye primer, very light peach, affordable price, intensifies the wear of any shadow, over 8 hours wear. Very light weight finish, tube form. Very good staying power.
MILANI Eyeshadow primer US $6.50
三種產品中,我最喜歡呢個, 價錢又平, 淺膚色,品質都幾好,又滑,又唔乾,抓粉能力相當好,至少8 個鍾,絕無問題。
三種產品中,我最喜歡呢個, 價錢又平, 淺膚色,品質都幾好,又滑,又唔乾,抓粉能力相當好,至少8 個鍾,絕無問題。
from the left : ELF eyelid primer, NYX HD Eye shadow Primer, Milani Eye Shadow Primer
They come with different finish, (original, anti aging, sin, Eden) but the one I like is the original one. It is an ultra sheer almost nude base. Anti aging - not only lock the eye shadow, also has ingredients that improve the signs of aging; Sin - it is a champagne shade ; Eden - matte finished. One thing is, after we apply the primer, when we apply eye shadow, it needs to be fast to blend the color well because for my opinion, this product hold the eye shadow very well, if you are new to makeup, it may give you a hard time to get the blending result.
Urban Decay eyeshadow Primer Potion tube CA $20- $24
相信唔使多講,呢個牌子好出名,因為佢有好多唔同既 finish,但係我最鍾意都係 original 呢隻,佢係半透明狀。有 anti aging,當然係除左有抓粉能力外,仲加左防衰老既成份啦。Sin, 係一個有香檳金底; Eden, 係一個啞 色底。對我黎講,呢隻產品抓粉力超高,所以如果你係新手既話,要 blend 得快,如果唔係,顏色會一撻撻咁!
相信唔使多講,呢個牌子好出名,因為佢有好多唔同既 finish,但係我最鍾意都係 original 呢隻,佢係半透明狀。有 anti aging,當然係除左有抓粉能力外,仲加左防衰老既成份啦。Sin, 係一個有香檳金底; Eden, 係一個啞 色底。對我黎講,呢隻產品抓粉力超高,所以如果你係新手既話,要 blend 得快,如果唔係,顏色會一撻撻咁!
LORAC behind the scenes eye primer, US $21
LORAC behind the scenes eye primer, US $21
我從來都無買過呢隻產品,全部都係買 palette時送既,但係我已經好鍾意,佢既質地比Too faced shadow insurance 厚d, 唔會乾,抓粉能力好,有足夠時間去做 blending,仲有佢既 formula, 仲可以俾敏感皮膚使用。
我從來都無買過呢隻產品,全部都係買 palette時送既,但係我已經好鍾意,佢既質地比Too faced shadow insurance 厚d, 唔會乾,抓粉能力好,有足夠時間去做 blending,仲有佢既 formula, 仲可以俾敏感皮膚使用。
Tom Ford eye primer duo US $45
Very high end product, it is a nude color, powder and cream primer that enhances performance of eye shadow prevent creasing and last up to 15 hours. Perfect eyeshadow primer for dark smokey eye makeup. Basically you will apply the cream first then apply the powder to ensure everything is in place. when I use this, I feel my eye lid feels velvety smooth. Excellent product even the price is very pricey.
Tom Ford eye primer duo US $45
殿堂級產品,皮膚色,上層係壓縮粉狀,下層係膏狀,仲有一塊細鏡。佢仲可以防溶達15 小時!!絕對係深色既煙燻眼妝既絕配。基本上,先用膏狀,再用粉定妝。佢雖然係膏狀,但係搽上去好滑,好有絲質感。雖然價幾貴,
殿堂級產品,皮膚色,上層係壓縮粉狀,下層係膏狀,仲有一塊細鏡。佢仲可以防溶達15 小時!!絕對係深色既煙燻眼妝既絕配。基本上,先用膏狀,再用粉定妝。佢雖然係膏狀,但係搽上去好滑,好有絲質感。雖然價幾貴,
from the left : Urban Decay Primer Portion, Lorac behind the scenes eye primer, Tom Ford eye primer duo
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