Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Shu Uemura Ⓛightbulb Foundation

Shu Uemura Lightbulb Foundation, (HK $ 400 come with the sponge, this time the main theme of this foundation is for nude makeup, high coverage with long lasting moisture and dewy finished. It totally has 14 shades to choose. You should be found one the best for you. I still don't see this foundation in Canada Shu Uemura makeup counter, I believe this must be only available in Asia market again.
Shu Uemura Lightbulb Foundation 白瓷光感粉底液,( HK $400 come with sponge)。今次植村秀推出這個粉底,主打係以裸妝,貼面,遮瑕度高, 高效保濕及有光澤感既粉底。這個系列共有14 色選擇,相信你一定搵到你既膚色。我呢個粉底係朋友幫我喺香港買既,因為加拿大到而家都仲未有,可能又係亞洲版.

This foundation come with a light bulb shape sponge, it is double ended,  big side will be for the check and forehead area, small  size will be for under eyes area or besides the nose, this sponge is very dense,  same theory with the Beauty  Blender one, it can achieve the natural glow with high coverage.  But this sponge, you can use it when is dry
金次個粉底仲跟埋一個葫蘆形既 sponge, 兩頭都可以用,大邊就用於大既範圍,如面頰,額頭; 而細個邊就可用於眼底,鼻翼旁; 其實個 theory 就好似 Beauty Blender既原理,係可以令到個粉更加貼,遮瑕度更高!不過呢個 sponge 就可以乾用,唔須一定要濕用。

According to their website,  this is a natural glow with high coverage, up to 12 hrs long lasting moisture. This product has been formula contains a high concentration of natural-origin macadamia oil. More highly reflective than regular oils,  it also stays on skin for longer, contributing to a lasting glow, light reflection comparison. With the revolutionary sponge techniques,  "tapping " a true secret of professionals to maximize a glowing finish with a perfect fit 
跟據官方網站既資料,佢有高度遮瑕,長達12 小時既保濕功效,另外,佢仲有多源光感科技,此配方含高濃度天然夏威夷果油,光折射效果更佳,更貼面,帶來更長效的光澤效果,令你係任何光線下都有完美既肌膚,再配上呢個特別設計既 sponge,並配合輕印式上妝技巧, 面頰更會自然剔透光感妝容。

Sounds like this is a very attractive foundation....told my friend to get it HK for me. I have been trying around 1 week, usually  one pump is good enough for the whole face.  Coverage is not bad too,  very easy to apply with the sponge; I also try to apply with the Sigma  F82 brush,  be honest,  I like this more,  coverage is more flawless and use less product. For the moisture,  may be I m living in Vancouver, moisture is only average,  I need to add the moisture make up base to achieve the result. 
聽到好似有好多優點咁,又即管買黎試下先。試左成個禮拜,一泵已經夠全面嘞,遮瑕度真係唔錯,易推,我都試過用 Sigma 既 F82 上呢個粉,老實講,我就比較鍾意用呢種掃黎上,因為我覺得個效果更加透薄,用既粉仲唔須要咁多; 致於保濕度,可能我住係加拿大既關係,保濕度只係一般,要多加一層滋潤既 make up base 先得。

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