Saturday, January 25, 2014

Synergie Rejuvaderm Home Roller 美肌活膚家用微針

Synergie Rejuvaderm Home Roller, is a  home system devices  which can improves the skin's penetration by 20-40 times compare to massaging to the skin that means, apply one bottle of serum is equal to 20 to 40 bottles.
Synergie Rejuvaderm Home Roller 美肌活膚
家用微針係一枝可以令到我地d 皮膚吸收力 增加 20 - 40 倍, 即係1支精華素一可以變成 20 - 40支既威力.

As per Mimingmart website:
After clinical experiments, this home system devices can improves active inattentive ingredients penetration by 20-40 times compare to massaging to the skin. This also   can stimulate the proliferation of collagen dermal layer, helps the absorption of skin care product, it will not cause any skin allergies and even safe for the sensitive skin.
Synergie Rejuvaderm Home Roller, is a 180 biodegradable polymer needles which are compatible, FDA and CE approved, because of the Polymer technique, it is different than the traditional stain steel needles, it's made of fine, shallow polymerized needles that create tiny holes in the skin only 0.25 mm depth throughout the rolling action,  also it is the most comfortable home system devices.  It stated that even good for sensitive skin, no side effects.
根據Mimingmart 既網站介紹:
臨床實驗證明,微針治療能有效加強肌膚對活性成分的吸收,刺激真皮層的骨膠原增生。Rejuvaderm美肌家用微針不會引致皮膚過敏,可絕對安全及有效地活 化肌膚,增加活力神采,改善膚色,增加肌膚對活化成分的吸收達40倍

After I used around 10 times, I only used 2 to 3 times per week, be honest, I feel quite sensitive" poking" uncomfortable feeling, especially on my forehead. But after certain times, I kind of get used to it. According to the theory , after rolling ,the pores got stimulating and open now, this stage of skin, the absorption is the best and perfect time to apply the serum to achieve the best advantage from the products. I will separate 4 parts, forehead, 2 sides of the cheek, 2 sides of nose and the chin. Basically I m apply the Synergie vitamin A and B serum. After the rolling stimulation, my face is quite red but after awhile it will be gone. You could also use it under the eyes and the neck, but don't forget to apply very light motion. After using it, I will spray the roller with the alcohol and store it for next time used
我買左之後都用左10次, 我係一星期用2,3 次, 初初用我都覺得好鬼 "吉", 特別係額頭,用多幾次先慣, 佢話碌完之後,要喺 5 分鐘之內搽精華素,原因係毛孔已經開啟,最好時間搽精華素,吸收效果最好!我會分開4 部份黎碌,額頭,臉頰兩邊,鼻翼兩邊同下巴,碌完即刻搽精華素。我會用番 Synergie 既 vitamin A,B 既 精華素,基本上我碌完塊面都會幾紅,但係過左一陣就會無野。我都會碌頸同眼底,但係力度記住一定要輕,如果唔係會好痛。我用完後會用消毒火酒噴喺個碌度,等酒精全乾即可使用

After about one month used, so far I can tell my skin is more glow, silky and the pores looks finer. But may be the stimulating, I have some breakouts, but so far I m quite satisfied the results except I still feel sensitive especially on my forehead. Overall, it is a good idea home devices to increase the skin absorption and with affordable price. It sells at HK $ $656, and it can be used 300 times, very good deal!
用左1個月後, 好明顯地我既皮膚既光澤度係提高左,滑左,毛孔好明顯係細緻左。可能太過刺激,生左幾粒暗瘡。不過,我都幾滿意佢既效果,雖然我每次碌額頭都仲好敏感,希望遲 d 會習慣啦。基本上,我都覺得呢個家用微針幾方便,價錢唔係貴, HK$ 656 可以用300 次,除開每次仲好平,又可以係屋企做,膚質可以改善,一舉三得。

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Shu Uemura Ⓛightbulb Foundation

Shu Uemura Lightbulb Foundation, (HK $ 400 come with the sponge, this time the main theme of this foundation is for nude makeup, high coverage with long lasting moisture and dewy finished. It totally has 14 shades to choose. You should be found one the best for you. I still don't see this foundation in Canada Shu Uemura makeup counter, I believe this must be only available in Asia market again.
Shu Uemura Lightbulb Foundation 白瓷光感粉底液,( HK $400 come with sponge)。今次植村秀推出這個粉底,主打係以裸妝,貼面,遮瑕度高, 高效保濕及有光澤感既粉底。這個系列共有14 色選擇,相信你一定搵到你既膚色。我呢個粉底係朋友幫我喺香港買既,因為加拿大到而家都仲未有,可能又係亞洲版.

This foundation come with a light bulb shape sponge, it is double ended,  big side will be for the check and forehead area, small  size will be for under eyes area or besides the nose, this sponge is very dense,  same theory with the Beauty  Blender one, it can achieve the natural glow with high coverage.  But this sponge, you can use it when is dry
金次個粉底仲跟埋一個葫蘆形既 sponge, 兩頭都可以用,大邊就用於大既範圍,如面頰,額頭; 而細個邊就可用於眼底,鼻翼旁; 其實個 theory 就好似 Beauty Blender既原理,係可以令到個粉更加貼,遮瑕度更高!不過呢個 sponge 就可以乾用,唔須一定要濕用。

According to their website,  this is a natural glow with high coverage, up to 12 hrs long lasting moisture. This product has been formula contains a high concentration of natural-origin macadamia oil. More highly reflective than regular oils,  it also stays on skin for longer, contributing to a lasting glow, light reflection comparison. With the revolutionary sponge techniques,  "tapping " a true secret of professionals to maximize a glowing finish with a perfect fit 
跟據官方網站既資料,佢有高度遮瑕,長達12 小時既保濕功效,另外,佢仲有多源光感科技,此配方含高濃度天然夏威夷果油,光折射效果更佳,更貼面,帶來更長效的光澤效果,令你係任何光線下都有完美既肌膚,再配上呢個特別設計既 sponge,並配合輕印式上妝技巧, 面頰更會自然剔透光感妝容。

Sounds like this is a very attractive foundation....told my friend to get it HK for me. I have been trying around 1 week, usually  one pump is good enough for the whole face.  Coverage is not bad too,  very easy to apply with the sponge; I also try to apply with the Sigma  F82 brush,  be honest,  I like this more,  coverage is more flawless and use less product. For the moisture,  may be I m living in Vancouver, moisture is only average,  I need to add the moisture make up base to achieve the result. 
聽到好似有好多優點咁,又即管買黎試下先。試左成個禮拜,一泵已經夠全面嘞,遮瑕度真係唔錯,易推,我都試過用 Sigma 既 F82 上呢個粉,老實講,我就比較鍾意用呢種掃黎上,因為我覺得個效果更加透薄,用既粉仲唔須要咁多; 致於保濕度,可能我住係加拿大既關係,保濕度只係一般,要多加一層滋潤既 make up base 先得。

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Drugstore Gems (1) Jordana

Drugstore makeup hidden gems means something is in the makeup section in the drugstore for long time but we never pay attention but it is an excellent product.
有時候,我地會盲目地錯過左好多既化妝產品,覺得價錢平就未必好,喺葯房店或超市買既就無化妝 counter 咁好!其實係有好多蒼海遺珠。

Jordana, this name is very popular in US, it is a drug store brand make up, price is very affordable and some of their quality of make up are amazing
Jordana, 一個相信對美國人唔會陌生既葯房牌子,價錢相當平,可能因為太平,所以唔夠膽試佢,但係其實佢地有部份既 quality 真係幾好,係意料之外咁好!

Since I try their 12HR made to last eyes shadow pencil $ 3.99 (02 stay on black ), the amazing long lasting power, true matte, waterproof, crease proof and creamy formula. Personally,  I feel this is even better than Urban Decay, may be my eye lid is quite oily. I started to looked at the other products that they have.
自從我上一次試左佢既 12 hr made to last eyes shadow pencil 之後 (02 stay on black),個效果真係好好,直程可以同 urban decay媲美,我自己党得個持夠度仲好過 urban decay同其他大牌子潻,可能我個眼皮太油啦。佢既12 hr 防溶,防油既賣點真係無誇張!而因為呢支筆,我亦對佢其他產品好有興趣!

Then I tried the Power Blush, the powder is very creamy, very high pigmentation , lasting power is not bad too.( 43 Peach Blossom, 38 Coral Sandy Beach, 12 Redwood ) Also the Twist & Shine moisturizing balm stain (06 Cranberry Crush,  08 Terra Cave ), excellent quality, smooth and moisturizing. Almost forgot , 12 hr made to last liquid eye liner pencil, the lasting power is surprising unbelievable. ( 01 Black Point) 
之後,我都試左佢既胭脂 Jordana Power Blush,又係絕對有驚喜,顯色超高,持夠度不錯既產品,價錢只係 US $ 2.49 !( 43 Peach Blossom, 38 Coral Sandy Beach, 12 eRedwood ), 仲有Twist & shine moisturizing balm stain $2.99 ! (06 Cranberry  Crush,  08 Terra Cave) 好滑好滋潤好有光澤!仲有 12 hr made to last liquid eye liner pencil $2.49, (01 Black Point) 全部都有驚喜!

Actually, in US, there are lot of drugstore gems around, if you wait until they are on sale, it will be even better. If you have friends in the states, don't forget to tell them to buy it for you.
其實呢 d 美國版子,如果你等到佢地減價先買就仲抵!呢個 Xmas boxing day, 佢地有 30% off, 所有即刻試左其他產品!如果你有朋友仔住响美國的話,可以試下叫佢地幫你買架。

Friday, January 3, 2014

Giorgio Armani Eccentrico Face Palette

Giorgio Armani's holiday product  is the Eccentrico Face Palette ( US $88 for 8g/0.27) a limited-edition highlighter/ blush palette. It is a bright red packaging with the little brush, and this is very eye catching. It also come with the little brush which underneath the blush, the hair of the brush is very soft too
今年 Giorgio Armani holiday 漂染腮紅 光燦嬌顏限量版,(US $ 88/0.27g) , 這是一個限量版光影及胭脂四合一的組合。今年是以鮮紅色的包裝,十分搶眼,下層有附刷子及可放刷子的空間,刷子的毛質亦很柔軟。

The palette has is a mix of pinks, coral, a cool frosty white shimmer with the thin layer of overspray . After removed the top overspray, if  you swirled together, then you will have a light medium pink glow. You could use the darker pink / coral side as a blush or use the white shimmer as a highlighter.
當打開時,是有一層金銀色的粉蓋住,很華麗,但用的時候要把它掃開,才會見到真正的顏色,基本上,它是由兩種不同的粉紅色,橙色, 可當作胭脂; 白色光影粉組合而成。

The quality of the powder is excellent ,it is soft, creamy,and the shimmer is very refined and natural that giving you extra skin glow. After remove the overspray, I only pick up the darker pink powder, it is good enough for me to use it  as blush alone. Well there are different shade of pink and can give you different blush tone

I'm not the big fan of the overspray, I just don't see the point. Be honest, the red packaging is very caught my eyes but I m more prefer what color which underneath. In my opinion I feel the price is a bit high.