Tuesday, March 18, 2014

NARSissist Eyeshadow Palette

I just wanted to do a quick review on the NARSissist Eyeshadow Palette. It has 15 earth tone eyeshadows, it is .003 oz each and the costs is a CA$ 85 at Sephora's website.
今次想好快咁講吓呢個 Nars 既眼影組合, 無錯,又係另一個品牌出既 earth tone 組合, 佢係由15個 0.003 oz 既眼影組成。成為 CA $ 85 

Well as I mentioned in my blog before, I love palette because with a discount prices and I will have lot of different range of color, also I don't need lot of space to store so many single eye shadows
其實我之前都講過,我係好鐘意買組合既人, 因為價錢會平d, 又可以一次過試佢地好多不同既顏色,最緊要係我可以慳番好多位。

Package is same as the blush palette which they launch before and sold out every where. It is the traditional Nars black design but just in bigger size. It is a very solid package and comes with a big mirror. This palette main theme is earth-tone colors, a very good variety from matte, shimmery and frost finished, color beige, nude pink, plum, warm brown, cool brown and even black color. The range of the colors are very wearable.
包裝其實同佢地去年推出既限量版胭脂組合一樣,都係黑色包裝設計,同普通眼影既包裝一樣,只係 size 大左。呢個組合係有一塊好大既鏡,眼影都係以大地/neutral 為主。有啞,閃粉同銀底,顏色有米白色,淺粉紅色,膚色,不同既咖啡色系同埋黑色。

All of these shades actually are exist in the NARS line, and they've listed the names on Sephora's site. So if you love one special shade, you can by it individually.
其實呢個palette d 顏色都可以喺 Nars 到買到,如果你試過之後,鍾意邊隻色都可以單獨買,所以買 palette就有呢個好處。

I don't have lot of NARS eyeshadows, so I can't really compare the quality between the single and the duo eye shadow, (the last product that I owned is the blush palette that I got it last year.) In order to show the real color on some light shade, you need to apply the eye shadow primer. All the very light shades in this palette are very light / almost nude on my skin, a little bit chalky but acceptable on the matte light one. The mid-tone and deeper shades are seem pretty pigmented.
我自己本身唔係有好多佢既化妝產品,所以都比較唔到佢地雙色或單色眼影既質地。最近我都係買左佢地既胭脂限量版組合,質量唔錯。我嘗試用唔同方式去試呢個組合,淺色既眼影始終都係要用眼影打底膏,顏色先會比較顯色, 其實呢幾隻淺色,用係我眼上,係好淺色,只可以當光影粉使用; 致於深色,就好顯色,無咁既問題。

The swatches is not base on eye shadow primer.

以下呢 d 試色係無用眼影打底膏。
From the first row, it is All About Eve #1,  Madrague #2, Fez, Bali, Coconut Grove
From the swatched, you can see All above Eve #1 and Madrague #2 don't show any color pay off on my skin tone. I love the Fez, this is a copper bronze with a frost finished, the best pigmentation in this palette
其實 Eve #1 同 Madrague #2 對於我既膚色黎講都係唔多出色,都係用作打亮眉骨。我好鍾意 Fez, 銀底古銅色,超級顯色!

Second Row : Madrague #1, Nepal, Ashes to Ashes, Brousse #2, Mekong
Again, Madrague #1 is very nude on me, you can tell little bit chalky but acceptable. I like Nepal in this row, it is a soft rosy Gold with a frost finished.
Marriage #1, 都係好淺色啦, 有小小飛粉。呢行,我就鍾意 Nepal, 佢係一個淺玫瑰金色, 好靚。

Third row: Bellissima #1, Lhasa, Bad Behavior, Dogon #2, Pandora #2
Bellissima #1, even though is a sheer shade for me again, but I really like the sparkle finished, looks good for inner corner. I like Bad Behavior in this row, a strong gun metal with very good pigmentation.
雖然 Bellissima #1 又係一個好淺色同透明既顏色,但係佢好閃,用喺眼頭就啱唒!另外,呢行我就鍾意 Bad Behavior, 好有 cool feel ,又顯色。

Overall, eye shadows quality are good, but half of the color pigmentation only on average,especially if your skin tone is on yellow / darker tone side then this palette may not give you the best color pay off. Personally, if you have lot of Earth-tone eye shadows, then this palette may not the best choice for you. 

總括黎講,眼睛既質量係唔錯,可能我既膚色既関係,有一半既顏色都唔係好出色。搽左眼影打底霜會好 d, 但係如果你已經有好多其他大地色既眼影組合的話,其實都唔需要買呢個,因為有好多選擇。

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